Hi all,
Thanks to all who were able to tune in on Monday, May 10 for the PPNA Community Meeting, featuring Banner Neighborhoods, Southeast CDC, and Friends of Library Square.
Bulk trash: DPW is working on getting bulk trash back in order. Currently, they're working on hiring more CDL drivers. Questions/concerns? Contact Larry Nunley, larry.nunley@baltimorecity.gov, 443-615-2626.
Yard waste: Use your 311 app to report yard waste and bulk trash. Then forward the service request number to Larry Nunley. Send along your name, the address where you’re making the request, and your contact info: larry.nunley@baltimorecity.gov, 443-615-2626.
MTA is seeking feedback regarding Fall service adjustments. Contact LaToya Eff leff@mdot.maryland.com with questions/concerns. Provide your comments here: www.mta.maryland.gov/servicechanges/fall2021
Grant Corley, Banner Neighborhoods
Grant is a neighbor in PPNA, and serves on the Board of Directors at Banner Neighborhoods.
Banner is always looking for potential new board members; there is a financial commitment and it is term-limited. Contact Grant to express interest.
Banner is seeking volunteers to serve on the Board of Directors, or, to assist the Board of Directors with running fundraising events, volunteering on committees, or supporting food distribution.
The flagship program of Banner is the Senior Home Maintenance program, providing home repair services that enable our older neighbors to age gracefully and with dignity in the comfort of their homes. The Senior Home Maintenance program supports with items such as broken windows, leaky plumbing, handrails, roof repair, etc.
Other programming from Banner includes wrap-around services such as referrals for transportation, social services, and wellness programs, and Banner Community Sports Leagues, Sports Clinics, and Engaging Youth in Sports.
Workforce development programming at Banner includes YouthWorks, mock interviews, and financial literacy programs.
We are fundraising to help us expand our services. Your tax-deductible donation helps east Baltimore! Contribute to our Capital Campaign with a $50,000 goal: click here.
Contact Grant: grantcorley@gmail.com
Andy Dahl, Southeast Community Development Corporation (SECDC)
SECDC supports with housing counseling and financial coaching, and builds partnerships with community schools and community projects.
There are five community-school partnerships in the neighborhoods where we work: Highlandtown #237, John Ruhrah, Tench Tilghman, William Paca, and Higliandtown #215.
Community projects include Friends of Library Square Day, public place improvement projects, murals, tree pits, gardening, and Highlandtown Main Street initiatives for businesses along Eastern Avenue.
The Baltimore Bike Experience is coming up in 2021! We are building a new community workshop to support this youth bicycle project. It will be a community bike shop, located at 2912 Pulaski Highway. The space will be dedicated for youth programming, adult training, and organized rides. The community bike shop will be a learning space where people can come and learn how to fix their own bikes. There will be no cost for those services.
Healthy Neighborhoods funding can be used for Block Projects, Home Purchase Loans and Home Improvement Loans. Home Improvement Loans come with matching grant funds. There is also a purchase + renovation loan package, with no mortgage insurance. You could refinance with the purchase + renovation loan. Andy will connect you with a Housing Counselor to talk about your options. Our services are free to talk about your options.
Contact Andy, Manager of Neighborhood Programs: andy@southeastcdc.org
Sarah Norman, Friends of Library Square
Library Square Day was April 24, 2021. About 100 neighbors attended! There were a lot of helpers for the rain garden, repainting the mandala street mural, and getting to know one another.
Mayor Brandon Scott came to Library Square Day to support with the Mayor's Spring Clean Up day.
Delegate Robbyn Lewis came to with information on Livable Streets Coalition.
PPNA was able to get a donation of compost for neighbors to take home to their gardens.
Looking forward to the summer! Stay tuned for more events coming up in Library Square, such as Movie Nights and Clean Ups.
Contact FOLS: friendsoflibrarysquare@gmail.com