PPNA Transportation Committee
About our work:
Focus on developing and implementing projects related to neighborhood transportation and safety
Work with residents to understand their concerns and solicit
input for effective solutions -
Serve as the main point of contact between the neighborhood
and city agencies -
Use a community-based approach to improve local
transportation and safety -
Empower community members, solicit community input and feedback, implement meaningful change
Advocate for policies that support the health, well-being, and safety of community members

Guiding Principles
The following guiding principles guide our efforts:
Advocate for community members
Optimize the health, well-being, and safety of community residents
Provide a forum for discussion and empowerment

Past Projects
Examples of our projects include:
Right-of-way (ROW) Art: painting stenciled designs
within traffic-calming bump-outs at
busy intersections -
Traffic calming initiatives: busy intersections,
speed humps, flexible bump-outs, pedestrian safety,
bicycle safety, painted crosswalks -
Collaborations: Department of Transportation,
Maryland Transportation Authority, Baltimore Police
Department, city agencies -
East Baltimore Transportation Report (May 1, 2018)
View the Report