BGE Gas Regulators — Updates and Information
Last updated: August 21, 2023
This page will contain information about BGE's project to install external gas regulators on houses throughout Baltimore and the efforts of various groups to oppose them. If there is information you think we should add to this page, please email
A lawsuit has been filed opposing BGE's actions. Plaintiffs are represented by Thiru Vignarajah. Anybody who wishes to join the lawsuit can sign up at Mr. Vignarajah's website.
PPNA has submitted a letter in support of the lawsuit.
The Public Service Commission held a hearing on this matter. You can watch a recording of the hearing on YouTube.
Introductions - 17 minute mark
BGE Presentation - 18 min
Our Presentation - 2h17min30s
Public Comments - 3h45m28s
OPC - 6h45m
PSC Technical Staff - 7h27m
Rebuttals - 7h47m
According to Mr. Vignarajah, proceedings before the Public Service Commission and the court system are separate but parallel. From a legal standpoint, the PSC has not claimed that they have the final say on the issue.
Maryland representatives of District 46 (which includes most of PPNA) have sent a letter to the PSC expressing their concerns about BGE's actions.
BGE filed a Motion to Stay Litigation in the lawsuit. Plaintiffs represented by Mr. Vignarajah filed a response to that motion and the judge in the case agreed to deny the motion. You can read the response and the judge's order here.