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Community Meeting, January Minutes

Writer's picture: PPNAPPNA

Hey neighbors,

CONGRATULATIONS to the new PPNA Board Members who were elected at the meeting on January 13, 2020!

We are so pleased to have Cheryl's and Danielle's talents on the PPNA Board.


  • Breath of God Lutheran Church (141 S. Clinton Street) is hosting youth mentoring for students in grades 3-5 on Thursdays from 5:00p-6:30p (bilingual, English/Spanish). Contact Alyssa Kaplan to get involved, or to bring your student:

  • Baltimore Day in Annapolis is coming up on February 3, from 6:00p-8:00p at Miller Senate Office Building in Annapolis. Transportation is provided from pre-selected bus stops. Click here to register. Deadline for registration is January 31.

  • Interest meeting for volunteers to aid in relief efforts in Puerto Rico through Building Puentes will be held at Breath of God Lutheran Church on Sunday, February 2 from 9:30a-10:20a. Breakfast will be provided. Contact Mark Parker for more information:

  • William Paca Elementary School is conducing a Needs Assessment Survey, and is seeking input from parents and community members. The deadline to contribute your input is February 15, 2020. Click here for community members. Click here for William Paca parents.

  • Trauma-informed care training will be hosted at Breath of God Lutheran Church on Sunday, February 16 from 12:00n-3:00p. Lunch will be provided. Contact Alyssa Kaplan to RSVP:


Akil Patterson, District 13 Candidate for City Council

  • A resident of the 13th District, Akil is a former football player and is passionate about Baltimore city youth.

  • Akil's platform has three priorities: transportation, alternatives to policing, and investing in the future.

  • Transportation: East Baltimore suffers some of the worst transportation disparities in Maryland. Lack of adequate transportation prohibits the community from being able to access steady jobs. Akil is committed to making Baltimore’s current transportation system work more efficiently for every Baltimorean.

  • Alternatives to policing: Akil will work to remove wasteful spending and overtime abuse by BPD, with collaboration from grassroots organizations and community leaders. This is aiming to improve community-centered outcomes and invest added resources into community diversion programs here in Baltimore that are proven to work, such as crisis-response teams. Akil will provide avenues for community partnerships and empowerment for community members.

  • Investing in the future: Akil is committed to improving Baltimore City classrooms and ensuring that young people attend school in a healthy learning environment. Students will be equipped with the skills and resources to obtain jobs that pay living wages with the freedom to pursue their goals however they might find them. Akil's plan is to focus on reducing high levels of concentrated poverty and poor housing in our city, working to make sure all residents, including returning citizens from incarceration, have access to opportunities.

  • Contact Akil: or 443-842-4104

PPNA Safety Committee

  • PPNA has a robust and informal network of privately owned cameras to help with safety efforts in our neighborhood. So far, we have about 500 cameras across 200 homes in our neighborhood.

  • With the camera network, we're aiming to build a stronger social fabric in our area, empowering neighbors towards building a safer community.

  • PPNA is participating in a camera-rebate program, where private households could submit for up to $500 in rebate per year from the City. This helps with alleviating cost as a barrier for use and maintenance of your camera and footage (not for camera install).

  • For more information, contact Arch McKown ( regarding: camera recommendations for your home, registering your camera with the neighborhood network, participating in the camera rebate program, and supporting neighborhood safety initiatives.

PPNA Board Elections

  • Thank you to all who ran for PPNA Board Positions and voted in the PPNA Board Elections for 2020.

  • Read the bios of the PPNA Board Members for 2020 by clicking here.

  • We want to hear from you! Thoughts? Concerns? Questions? Let us know how we can support your family and friends in our community. Contact us at

  • PPNA activities are largely neighbor-initiated and neighbor-lead. Myriad vibrant and active committees focus on lots of topical projects in our area. Have a skill? Interest? Willingness? Time? We look forward to having your perspectives and ideas in PPNA. Let us know your thoughts:


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