Hey Neighbors, Here's what you missed, from our August 12 meeting!
September 7, 8:00pm: Friends of Library Square (FOLS) Movie Night and Back to School Supply Giveaway! Contact Cheryl Bryant, fols@pattersonparkneighbors.org.
September 29, morning: West Sector Community Dumpster at Montford/Fairmount
September 29, 11:00am-4:00pm: PPNA Home and Garden Tour. Contact Kim Wiggins, hometour@pattersonparkneighbors.org.
October 16-18, 2019: Baltimore Homecoming. Contact Chris Hallager, chris@baltimorehomecoming.com.
Welcome, Daniel Millay, PPNA Treasurer! Contact Daniel, treasurer@pattersonparkneighbors.org.
Know of an event or community highlight that is social-media worthy? Contact us at marketing@pattersonparkneighbors.org
Know of a local business or entrepreneurial neighbor? Feature them in the Hyper-Local Holiday Gift Guide, submissions due to Megan Doyle, econdev@pattersonparkneighbors.org.
Transportation Committee is rocking and rolling, working with MDOT and Baltimore City on traffic calming measures around the Park, and on Fayette Street corridor. Want to get involved? Contact Collin Hayward, transportation@pattersonparkneighbors.org.
Larry Nunley, Community Liaison from DPW
Contact Larry, larry.nunley@baltimorecity.gov, 443-615-2626 (work cell), 443-534-0574 (personal cell)
DPW started releasing water bills on August 7. For questions or concerns regarding your water bill, contact DPW.Billing@Baltimorecity.gov.
BH2O Assistance Program available for income-eligible households. Paper applications are available to be picked up and submitted at local CAP Centers (Click here to view a list of local CAP Centers), or submitted by mail to P.O. Box 22586 Baltimore, MD 21233.
Don't forget to use 311 to record your concerns; the 311 system works, and you will need your SR# for following up on items or concerns! Examples: downed trees or power outages due to stormy weather, debris or trash that needs to be removed, etc.
Andrew Niemynski, Bmore Beautiful
Contact Andrew, andrew.niemynski@baltimorecity.gov, 443-401-9647 (cell), 410-396-6909 (office)
Bmore Beautiful provide grants, financial support, and physical resources for beautification projects such as neighborhood cleanups, tree pits, weeding, trash pick-up, string lighting, etc.
Now accepting applications for Love Your Block Grant, awards of $200-$1500. Applications require your project proposal, budget and timeline for your project, and a supporting letter from PPNA as the project sponsor. Contact board@pattersonparkneighbors.org to start the conversation.
PPNA Neighbors' Needs and Latinx Outreach
PPNA wants to know about your concerns and your ideas. We'll be stronger together when we're leveraging everybody's talents. Contact info@pattersonparkneighbors.org to continue the conversation, share your thoughts, or volunteer to initiate/collaborate on a project.
PPNA is planning a Latinx Outreach resource meeting for October, in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Volunteer your Translation Services or connect us with your Latinx friends/neighbors/resources to collaborate. Contact Taylor Binnix, secretary@pattersonparkneighbors.org.
BIG THANKS to our Food Sponsor, Cream Cruiser!
Handcrafted ice cream sandwiches
Available for catering private events
Perfect for celebrating birthdays, including PPNA President, Dave Werkmeister! Thanks for spending your birthday with us at PPNA, Dave *<:-]