Thank you to those friends and neighbors who were able to tune in for the August 10, 2021 Community Meeting. We understand that many folks were on vacation in late-summer, and we had a light crowd! We’re looking forward to seeing everyone again (virtually) after the start of the school year.
Upcoming at PPNA: Taylor Binnix, PPNA Secretary since 2019, will not be re-running for the PPNA Board in 2022. Taylor will continue to be active and engaged as a friend and neighbor, but looks forward to connecting with interested candidates for the Secretary role. Taylor is happy to help with training and onboarding the next passionate volunteer who is elected to this position! Elections for the PPNA Board will be held in January 2022. Contact Taylor for more information:
Updating the PPNA Bylaws and Membership structure: The PPNA Bylaws were last updated in 2017. Stay tuned for more information about updates to the PPNA Bylaws and Membership structure that reflect our 2021 priorities for anti-racism, diversity and inclusion, and outreach and engagement. The updated bylaws will also have specific descriptions of roles and responsibilities for positions on the PPNA Board. To provide suggestions or input, contact
Enrolling your child in school for 2021-2022: Cheryl Bryant, PPNA Vice President for the East Sector, is also the Community School Coordinator at William Paca Elementary School (WPES). Across Baltimore City, elementary and elementary/middle schools have low enrollment for Pre-K and Kindergarten. To register, you will need to provide the following documents on behalf of your child:
proof of address
copy of immunization records
recent physical within the last 12 months
birth certificate or proof of legal guardianship
photo ID for parent or guardian
If you or someone you know is a parent to 4-5 year old children, contact Cheryl to learn more about the Pre-K and Kindergarten programs at WPES and across Baltimore City: or 443-648-5748.
Call WPES to register your child: 410-396-9148.
Click here to view the WPES Amazon wish list.
Karien Laurent, Linwood Community Fridge (123 N Linwood Ave)
A Community Fridge is a free resource that is publicly available and accessible for community members. Community Fridges have been around since the 1970s. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic re-raised the urgency and need for Community Fridges.
There are three Community Fridges located around Baltimore:
Linwood Community Fridge located at 123 N Linwood Ave
Greenmount West Community Fridge located at 509 McAllister
Pimlico Community Fridge located at 5218 Florence Avenue
Community Fridges are maintained by individual volunteers or groups of volunteers. Neighbors may donate pantry goods, toiletries, produce, and prepared meals to the Community Fridge. Community members can walk to the Linwood Community Fridge 24/7 to give what you can and take what you need.
Follow the Linwood Community Fridge on Instagram: @linwoodcommunityfridge
Contact Karien:
Little Free Pantry (corner of E Baltimore Street and Linwood Ave)
Many thanks to Megan Doyle (PPNA Committee Chair for Economic Development), JC Maurer (PPNA neighbor and volunteer), and their team of volunteers for the upcoming installation of two Little Free Pantries in Patterson Park!
Johns Hopkins University provided funds, Home Depot donated supplies, and JC donated his time to construct the Little Free Pantries. Along with local artists and schoolchildren, the Little Free Pantries will be decorated and installed in the coming weeks.
Contact Megan:
Amie Hall, Buy Nothing Project
Buy Nothing is an international network of hyper-local gift economies, run through Facebook. Neighbors can give and ask for goods and services, all for free. The mission of Buy Nothing centers on building relationships with neighbors while also giving and receiving goods or services for free.
Allison Blood (PPNA Committee Chair for Sustainability) started our local Buy Nothing group on Facebook in January 2020. The group grew to 2,500+ Facebook users, and recently “sprouted” into hyper-local Buy Nothing groups. The large group of Facebook users has been renamed “Give/Ask SE Baltimore City.” Contact Allison:
Rather than First Come First Served, Buy Nothing users are encouraged to let posts “simmer,” and think creatively about to whom they wish to gift their item or service.
Admins of Buy Nothing Facebook Groups nationally and internationally are continually in consideration of equity and access concerns that result from geographically-delineated hyper-local groups, including right here in the Patterson Park Neighborhood and Southeast Baltimore. The Buy Nothing Project recently released an app to reach neighbors who are not Facebook users.
Learn more about the Buy Nothing Project:
Click here to view the map of where the sprouted Buy Nothing groups are active around Patterson Park.
Newly "sprouted" Buy Nothing Groups:
Buy Nothing Fells Point Admin: Abby Podratz
Buy Nothing Canton (West) Admin: Benjamin Cramer
Buy Nothing Canton (East)/Brewer’s Hill Admin: Allie Marston
Buy Nothing Highlandtown/Highlands/Patterson Park (East) Admins: Victoria Acton and Natalie Cassidy
Buy Nothing Butcher’s Hill/Patterson Park (West) Admins: Amie Hall and Allison Blood