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March 11, 2024 Community Meeting - Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (MONSE)

Writer's picture: PPNAPPNA

Meeting Minutes

Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Safety And Engagement Victim Services Team Presentation on MONSE:

  • Services for any victims of crime; initially catered to young adults but now transitioned to the entire city from bullying to 1st/2nd degree assault

    • Visitation Center

      • Visitation for anyone who has been involved with a domestic dispute

    • Intimate Partner/Domestic Violence

      • Focuses on overseeing some partner agencies, such as House of Ruth

    • Intensive/non intensive case management

      • Recently transferred over to MONSE for citywide intensive care models.

      • Provide some rental assistance to allow for easier re-stabilization, utility assistance

      • The first three months following trauma there is weekly, higher touch from this department (intensive case management) -> moderate touch, maybe every other week

      • Services Provided:

        • Transitional housing, peer group, financial literacy, mental health therapy, criminal justice process information, non-traditional therapy, information - victim rights, transportation assistance, enrolled in safe at home program, BCPSS education assistance, medical care assistance, educational assistance, law enforcement assistance, employment assistance, assistance with benefits applications, ID support, assistance - employment/school, driving school, assistance for child care, substance abuse treatment, crisis intervention + safety planning, housing assistance - navigation, individual counseling, housing assistance, emergency financial assistance (food, funeral), relocation assistance, help with victim impact statement, relocation assistance, referral to other victim services program, emergency shelter

        • 281 individuals assisted with barrier type removal and 375 individuals received a service via the MONSE victim services team

    • Gun violence/School based violence

    • Human trafficking/SART

      • Tomstack is seasoned veteran when it comes to human trafficking + sexual assault prevention

      • Services offered at Blue Dot and Mercy Hospital

      • Turnaround: caters to those impacted by human trafficking

    • High risk for victimization

  • Question: what languages are services provided in? English and Spanish, use of internet interpreter

  • Question: Safety Chair Arch brings up violent crime in Patterson including 34 agg assaults, 48 robberies, 156 cars stolen. Does not feel that we have had sufficient responses from MONSE; "where have you been?" There has been a transitioning period and he cannot speak to those who have already fallen through the cracks but the purpose of his being here now is to presently step in and see how he and his team can make an impact in the future.

  • Question from Bethany Hamilton: What are some of the violence prevention strategies that are underway in our community; this would be helpful to know about so we can advocate for it to continue to be improved upon -- specifically prevention

    • Officer Cabreja called in to address, given MONSE is the victim services team

  • Larry Hountz: now been working with the city for two years to get ordinances enforfced in Patterson; he was assaulted and lost 40% of functionality in Patterson for telling a gentleman to leash his dog and does not feel that the police, mayor's office, parks and rec -- they never do anything.

  • Contact:

Community Updates

Security Cameras So Far

Cameras have been set up or approved for

  • Pie Time

  • Rize & Rest Cafe

  • Patterson Public House

  • Life Prep Early Daycare

Next up is cameras for Library Square Montessori and Patterson Square Dry Cleaning.

Meanwhile, we have a new round of grant funding to apply for. Arch McKown presented on what the grant could fund including lighting, beautification, and traffic calming. Neighbors who have specific ideas should contact

Community Dumpsters

The February dumpster filled up in just two hours! Make sure you arrive early if you are trying to unload something at a dumpster. The next one is May 4 at the intersection of Pratt and Curley (South Sector).

1st District's Candidate's Forum

PPNA has worked together in cooperation with the neighborhood associations of Canton, Fell's Point, Highlandtown, Greektown, Brewer's Hill, and Fells Prospect to host a Candidate's Forum for the 1st District City Council Race.

  • Thursday April 18, 2024, 7:00PM

  • Hope City Church, 3930 Fleet Street

  • Online streaming through YouTube will also be available

Traffic Calming Installations

We have installation dates! Even better, after the installation will also be a community paint day when neighbors will be invited to participate in actually painting the sidewalks. Great activity for kids!

Baltimore and Linwood

  • Installation: April 8-12

  • Community Paint Day: April 13

Fayette and Luzerne

  • Installation: April 29 - May 3

  • Community Paint Day: May 4

Movies on Library Square

  • Library Square Movies Coming This Summer

Updates from DPW

  • LCCR: Lead and copper website Must be updated. Upload a picture of your pipe to the website so the EPA and federal government area able to track.

  • Weekly recycling has returned!


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